The Barry Storch Group — TradeMark Real Estate, Inc.
DRE #01752965
626-399-6928 barry@barrystorch.com
Barry has been a licensed Realtor® for close to two decades, and has purchased, developed and sold real estate in California. He has helped clients sell their homes and has found homes that suited their changing needs, and fulfilled their dreams. Barry is also a sought-after real estate coach, teaching his proven methods for managing the sales process to ensure smooth closings.
New Market Areas:
Palm Springs,
San Francisco
and surrounding communities!

Barry knows the market, the brokers and agents and how to get the job done all the while keeping a sense of humor and love of the process.
Jim Cox

Barry's an expert at home improvements, price strategy, negotiations. He got our house sold with multiple bids... We love him he's our family realtor!